Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Genetically Modified Foods

In this project, we were told we had to make a list of GMF's in the supermarket shelves available for public consumption. I did a little research and found that, according to The Center for Food Safety, there is an estimated 70-75% of foods in supermarkets containing a genetically modified ingredient! How long is this list supposed to be?

well there's a website that has it all listed under different categories. It has a list of natural foods and those that are modified. As I started my list I realized that just about everything I could think of was on there and that my list was extremely long, so simply click on the link below to find out what foods are natural and which ones have GMI's.

I found that any foods under the Whole Foods Market brand are not genetically engineered, so I would recommend purchasing foods, although they are more expensive, from that brand.

According to the Human Genome Program, in 2006, 53% of transgenic crops were grown in the U.S.

Nicole Velez


Center for food safety. Genetically engineered food.

retrieved April 8, 2008 from:

True food now. (2003). True food shopping guide.

retrieved April 8, 2008 from:

HumanGenomeProject. (7/24/2007). What are genetically modified (GM) foods?

retrieved April 8, 2008 from:

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